Customer Service Form (Tickets System)

Fill the form below if you have a question or need assistance (particularly with our scripts). Give all the requested information else we won't be able to help you. We will reply within 24-48 hours unless in vacation, sickness or weekends. Auryn Beorn will note in her profile if she's out of town or sick. Thanks so much for your help!

  • If you gave an e-mail address we will reply there: check your spam folder.
  • Incomplete forms will not be answered to.
  • Free items are not supported. Check their documentation or ask in help groups if your question is about how to modify/use those.
Fields with an * are required.
Your SL Name *:
Your e-mail:

Your e-mail isn't mandatory, but it helps us giving you a reply in less time in many cases by using e-mail rather than having to log into SL. We will not use this e-mail address to send advertisement of any kind. We will only use it to give you a faster response. You don't have to give us your RL e-mail address. Just one address that you will check.

What do you need help with? *
Have you completed all the required steps? Then click here to send this information:

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Have you completed all the required steps? Then click here to send this information: